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Benett Shahzad
Genre Gospel
Country Canada

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Bennett Shahzad is serving God with his melodious voice from several years. God has blessed him with a good voice and nice spirit. He focussed and utilized this best gift along with properly learning singing. He started singing professionally 22 years back and from last 15 years, he has devoted his voice for serving the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is an international Gospel singer and has lead worship with different ministries like Evangelical Asian Church, Canada, Eternal Life Ministries, Pakistan Gospel Assemblies, Full Gospel Assemblies and many others.
God has givem him strength to produce several CDs and audio cassettes for the Glory of Lord. Many people are blessed with these life changing songs. He has won numerous souls and brought many people to Lord Jesus with his music ministry.
Bennett was born and raised in Pakistan and now settled in Toronto, Canada with his family - wife, four daughters and one son.
Albums (1)
Songs (11)

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