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Dr Dheeraj Shinde
Genre Gospel
Country South Korea

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Dr. Dheeraj Shinde, is the director for WEMI South Asia. (WEMI stands for World Evangelical Mission International). This ministry is from South Korea.
He is a Gospel singer, composer and music director for many Gosple albums. His well-known album is "MAHIMA HO TERIi'. He has also traveled to diffrent countries all over the world preaching and singing for His glory. He normally sings on the music tracks.
Dr Dheeraj has sung as lead singer and soloist in the meetings of mighty men of God like Benny Hinn, Paul Yongi Cho, Dr D.G.S Dinakaran, Morris Cerello, K.A Paul and many more.
Albums (1)
Songs (6)
Mahima Ho Teri Vol 1
Dr Dheeraj Shinde
Songs 6 Comments 0
0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 / 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Added on 31 January 2014
Released 0000
Format CD
N discs 1
Genre Gospel

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